Tips for Choosing the Right Extracurricular Activities for UK University Admissions

  1. Application tips
  2. Extracurricular activities
  3. Choosing which activities to include

In today's competitive academic landscape, extracurricular activities have become an integral part of the university admissions process. Not only do they showcase a student's interests and passions, but they also demonstrate a well-rounded personality and a commitment to personal growth. However, with an overwhelming number of extracurricular options available, choosing which activities to include on your application can be a daunting task. This is especially true for UK university admissions, where competition for spots is fierce.

Whether you are a high school student looking to boost your application or a parent trying to guide your child towards the right activities, this article will provide you with valuable tips on selecting the right extracurriculars for UK university admissions. From highlighting the importance of extracurricular activities in the admissions process to discussing the specific criteria that UK universities look for, this article will guide you through the process of choosing the perfect activities to enhance your application. So, if you want to make a strong impression on UK universities and increase your chances of getting accepted, read on for our expert tips on selecting the right extracurricular activities. First and foremost, it's important to understand that universities in the UK value well-rounded students. This means that they are not just looking for academic excellence, but also for applicants who have a variety of interests and experiences. When choosing which activities to include in your application, keep this in mind and try to showcase a diverse range of skills and interests.

For example, if you excel in a particular sport, consider also participating in a community service project or joining a debate team. Another important factor to consider is relevance. When choosing activities, think about how they relate to your intended field of study. For instance, if you are interested in pursuing a degree in journalism, joining your school's newspaper or participating in a writing club would be highly relevant and impressive to admissions officers. It's also important to consider the level of commitment and leadership potential demonstrated in your chosen activities. Universities want to see that you have not only participated in extracurriculars, but also taken on leadership roles and made a significant impact.

This could be anything from starting a club at your school to organizing a charity event. Don't be afraid to think outside the box when it comes to extracurricular activities. While traditional options like sports teams and academic clubs are great, universities also value unique and creative pursuits. For example, if you are passionate about photography, consider starting a photography club or volunteering to take photos for your school's yearbook. Lastly, don't forget to also include any relevant work experience or internships in your application. These experiences can demonstrate real-world skills and give you an edge over other applicants. Anybody likely to disagree? While there may be some who argue that academic achievements should be the main focus of an application, it's important to remember that UK universities value a well-rounded student body.

By including a variety of extracurricular activities in your application, you can showcase your diverse interests and skills, making you stand out among other applicants. First and foremost, it's important to understand that universities in the UK value well-rounded students. This means that they are not just looking for academic excellence, but also for applicants who have a variety of interests and experiences. When choosing which activities to include in your application, keep this in mind and try to showcase a diverse range of skills and interests. These experiences can demonstrate real-world skills and give you an edge over other applicants. While there may be some who argue that academic achievements should be the main focus of an application, it's important to remember that UK universities value a well-rounded student body.

By including a variety of extracurricular activities in your application, you can showcase your diverse interests and skills, making you stand out among other applicants.

Demonstrate Commitment and Leadership Potential

When it comes to UK university admissions, extracurricular activities not only demonstrate your interests and passions, but also your commitment and potential for leadership. Participating in extracurriculars shows that you are able to balance academics with other responsibilities, and taking on leadership roles within these activities showcases your ability to take initiative and guide a team towards success.

Relevance is Key

When it comes to choosing the right extracurricular activities for UK university admissions, relevance is key. This means selecting activities that are related to your intended field of study. Not only will this show your passion and dedication towards your chosen subject, but it will also demonstrate to admissions committees that you have a clear direction and purpose in your academic pursuits. For example, if you are applying for a degree in business, participating in a school's entrepreneurship club or starting your own small business could be great options to include in your application.

Or if you are interested in studying environmental science, joining a local conservation group or volunteering at a wildlife sanctuary could showcase your commitment to the field.

Think Outside the Box

When it comes to choosing extracurricular activities for your UK university application, it's important to think outside the box. While traditional activities like sports and clubs are great, they may not set you apart from other applicants. To truly stand out, consider pursuing unique and creative activities that showcase your individuality and passion. These activities can range from starting your own business or blog, to volunteering with a cause you care about, to participating in local community events or competitions.

These experiences not only demonstrate your interests and skills, but also show your dedication and drive. Admissions officers want to see well-rounded individuals who have diverse interests and experiences. By thinking outside the box and including unconventional activities in your application, you can demonstrate that you are more than just a list of grades and test scores.

Include Work Experience

One important aspect to consider when choosing which activities to include in your application is work experience. While extracurricular activities like sports and clubs can demonstrate your interests and skills, work experience can showcase your practical abilities and real-world knowledge. Don't forget to showcase any relevant work experience or internships.

These experiences can demonstrate your commitment and dedication to a particular field, as well as provide valuable skills and knowledge that will be beneficial in your university studies. Admissions officers are often impressed by applicants who have taken the initiative to gain work experience, as it shows a level of maturity and responsibility. When deciding which work experience to include, focus on those that are relevant to your desired course of study. For example, if you are applying for a business degree, include any part-time jobs or internships related to the business field. This will not only demonstrate your interest in the subject, but also provide insight into your potential as a future business professional. It's important to note that even if your work experience is not directly related to your desired course of study, it can still be valuable in showcasing transferable skills such as teamwork, time management, and communication. In conclusion, make sure to include any relevant work experience or internships in your application.

These experiences can add depth and credibility to your application, and ultimately improve your chances of success in UK university admissions.

Think Outside the Box

When it comes to choosing extracurricular activities for your UK university application, it's important to think outside the box. While traditional activities like sports, music, and volunteering are great, consider adding unique and creative pursuits to your list. These can include anything from starting your own club or organization, to participating in a niche hobby or interest. Not only will these activities make your application stand out, but they will also showcase your creativity and individuality.


Think about your passions and interests outside of school and see if there are any extracurricular activities that align with them. Don't be afraid to try something new and different.

Include Work Experience

When it comes to choosing the right extracurricular activities for your UK university admissions, it's important not to overlook the value of work experience and internships.

These experiences can demonstrate important skills and qualities that are highly valued by universities and employers alike. Whether it's a part-time job, volunteering, or an internship in your desired field of study, showcasing your work experience can make your application stand out. It shows that you have taken initiative and gained practical knowledge and skills beyond the classroom. When including work experience in your application, be sure to highlight any relevant skills or achievements you gained during your time there. This could include leadership, teamwork, time management, or problem-solving abilities. Additionally, if you have received any positive feedback or recognition from your work experience, be sure to mention it as well. In conclusion, choosing the right extracurricular activities for UK university admissions requires careful consideration and planning.

By keeping in mind the importance of relevance, commitment, leadership potential, and creativity, you can create a well-rounded application that will impress admissions officers. Remember to also include any relevant work experience and internships to further enhance your application. Good luck with your admissions journey!.

Dr. Leo Evans
Dr. Leo Evans

Dr Leo Evans is a distinguished EdTech Founder and Group CEO, currently steering the helm at Spires Online Tutors & The Profs, both renowned educational platforms. With a profound background in financial economics, Leo has transitioned from a successful tenure as a Vice President at J.P. Morgan to becoming a pivotal figure in the e-learning industry. His academic journey, crowned with a PhD from the Imperial College Business School, laid a solid foundation for his ventures in the educational sector. Leo's passion for education is mirrored in his role as a co-founder at Spires Online Tutoring, where he has been instrumental in leveraging machine learning algorithms to facilitate seamless tutor-student interactions across the globe. His innovative spirit also led to the creation of BitPaper, a collaborative online whiteboard that has revolutionised online teaching and learning. Leo's commitment to excellence is reflected in the numerous accolades and recognitions his initiatives have garnered over the years, including making it to the Forbes 30 under 30 in 2019. As a former lecturer at the Imperial College Business School, Leo has a rich history of imparting knowledge in various financial domains.